A Cybersecurity Checklist for Art Collection Management Systems and Online Art Marketplaces

In the art industry, certain information about art collectors, the provenance of artworks and their pricing can be considered highly sensitive. With cyberattacks becoming more frequent and sophisticated, art management systems and online art marketplaces need to ensure the safety of this data.

One of the essential aspects of a well-organized cybersecurity strategy is performing regular security audits. We at DataArt have assisted countless businesses through cybersecurity audits and implementing cybersecurity measures. To help art management systems and online art marketplaces prepare for such audit, we put together this checklist.

In this checklist, you’ll discover:

Comprehensive view

What's essential to include in vulnerability assessment


Internal & external risks essential to evaluate

Preliminary steps

Cybersecurity protocols to establish


How to define data sensitivity and why it's crucial

About DataArt and Media and Entertainment Practice

DataArt provides customized art tech solutions to help companies design and build solutions from the ground up, modernize complex legacy systems, and perform data management and integration, followed by successful program delivery and ongoing support.

DataArt has extensive experience helping all kinds of art market solutions, online platforms, art management systems and live streaming auctions in establishing a systematic, risk-based view of cybersecurity and evaluating it within the context of the business. The company has over 5,000 professionals in 20+ US, Europe, and Latin America locations, with clients including major global brands like Unilever, Ocado, NASDAQ, Turquoise, and Flutter Entertainment.

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